Vol 38, No 1 (2018): Back to Ancient Questions? / Tornare alle domande degli Antichi?

Issue Description

This issue of «Teoria» is a reflection on the past, on the philosophical questions that were first raised in Greek and Latin worlds. It is, then, a reflection made in the light of answers that the history of philosophical thought has provided to these questions. It is, above all, an attempt to verify whether these answers have been exhaustive, or whether there are further possibilities, other alternatives for philosophy to pursue, in order that we may better understand ourselves and our world.

Essays by: Kenneth Seeskin, Francesco Ademollo, Robert W. Wallace, Bruno Centrone, Stefano Perfetti, Flavia Monceri, Veronica Neri, Andrina Tonkli-Komel, Alessandro Prato, Giuliana Di Biase, Maria Benedetta Saponaro, Orietta Ombrosi.


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