V. 40 N. 2 (2020): Philosophy of Translation. An Interdisciplinary Approach

Ermeneutica filosofica e filosofia politica. Il paradigma della traduzione in Paul Ricoeur

Alberto Martinengo
Scuola Normale Superiore

Pubblicato 2020-12-19

Parole chiave

  • Hermeneutics,
  • Political Philosophy,
  • Ricoeur,
  • Conflict,
  • Translation

Come citare

Ermeneutica filosofica e filosofia politica. Il paradigma della traduzione in Paul Ricoeur. (2020). Teoria. Rivista Di Filosofia, 40(2), 141-162. https://doi.org/10.4454/teoria.v40i2.110


The relationship between philosophical hermeneutics and political reflections cannot be reduced to a unique model. Differences are relevant among its main authors: from Heidegger’s analysis of polis as a site where ontological difference appears, to Gadamer’s practical turn, and Ricoeur’s political background of his hermeneutics of the conflict. The present paper argues that – despite appearances – the political issue is a general presupposition of Ricoeur’s hermeneutics from the late 1950’s onwards: in his philosophy of symbolism, metaphor, and narrative, it acts as a metaphorical reservoir giving rise to thought. After the ethical turn of the 1990’s, the political matters come to the fore in the form of a theory of translation, which is the very heart of Ricoeur’s hermeneutics.