V. 37 N. 1 (2017): Linguaggio e verità . La filosofia e il discorso religioso

Agostino e Plotino sulla materia dei corpi

Enrico Moro
Dipartimento di filosofia, sociologia e psicologia applicata Università  degli Studi di Padova
Teoria (vol 37, no 1, year 2017)

Pubblicato 2017-07-14

Parole chiave

  • matter,
  • form,
  • privation,
  • mass,
  • not-being,
  • ...Più

Come citare

Agostino e Plotino sulla materia dei corpi. (2017). Teoria. Rivista Di Filosofia, 37(1), 199-207. https://doi.org/10.4454/teoria.v37i1.11


The paper has two main aims: first, to offer a general overview about Augustine’s concept of corporeal matter, based on a comprehensive examination of all the occurrences of the Latin lemmas materia and materies in his works; second, to discuss more in detail the vexed question of the Plotinian influence on Augustine’s conception of matter, in order to highlight that the major meeting points between Augustine and Plotinus rest on a purely literal level, and to rather point out the significant conceptual differences between these two thinkers.