V. 39 N. 1 (2019): Il prisma della fiducia

«I Don’t Trust You, You Faker!» On Trust, Reliance, and Artificial Agency

Fabio Fossa
Università di Pisa

Pubblicato 2019-06-10

Parole chiave

  • artificial agents,
  • trust,
  • robotrust,
  • reliance,
  • human-robot interaction,
  • ...Più

Come citare

«I Don’t Trust You, You Faker!» On Trust, Reliance, and Artificial Agency. (2019). Teoria. Rivista Di Filosofia, 39(1), 63-80. https://doi.org/10.4454/teoria.v39i1.57


The aim of this paper is to clarify the extent to which relationships between Human Agents (HAs) and Artificial Agents (AAs) can be adequately defined in terms of trust. Since such relationships consist mostly in the allocation of tasks to technological products, particular attention is paid to the notion of delegation. In short, I argue that it would be more accurate to describe direct relationships between HAs and AAs in terms of reliance, rather than in terms of trust. However, as mediums of human actions to which tasks are delegated, AAs indirectly mediate trust between users and other social actors involved in their design, manufacture, commercialisation and deployment. In this sense, AAs mediate social trust. My conclusion is that relationships between HAs and AAs are thus to be understood directly in terms of reliance and indirectly in terms of social trust mediation.