V. 40 N. 1 (2020): Patterns of Contemporary Nihilism

Jacobi contra Fichte. La primera acusación de nihilismo

Jacinto Rivera de Rosales
UNED, Madrid

Pubblicato 2020-06-01

Parole chiave

  • Nihilism,
  • Jacobi,
  • Fichte,
  • idealism,
  • realism,
  • faith
  • ...Più

Come citare

Jacobi contra Fichte. La primera acusación de nihilismo. (2020). Teoria. Rivista Di Filosofia, 40(1), 77-89. https://doi.org/10.4454/teoria.v40i1.89


English title: Jacobi vs. Fichte. The first accusation of nihilism

The first accusation of nihilism took place in a letter that Jacobi wrote to Fichte in 1799, amid the dispute over his atheism. The article exposes the philosophical position from which Jacobi throws his objection: that of a realism based on belief or faith. But it also explains how Jacobi interprets the transcendental idealism of Kant and Fichte, confusing the transcendental with the empirical, which also makes him possible to describe it as nihilism.