V. 40 N. 1 (2020): Patterns of Contemporary Nihilism

Technology, Art, and Second Order Nihilism in Heidegger

Alberto L. Siani
Università di Pisa

Pubblicato 2020-06-01

Parole chiave

  • Heidegger,
  • technology,
  • nihilism,
  • poetry,
  • metaphysics

Come citare

Technology, Art, and Second Order Nihilism in Heidegger. (2020). Teoria. Rivista Di Filosofia, 40(1), 173-181. https://doi.org/10.4454/teoria.v40i1.97


This paper explores Heidegger’s juxtaposition of art and technology from the angle of the nihilism issue. After sketching reasons and aims of Heidegger’s turn to poetry I interpret this juxtaposition in terms of a core deontological dichotomy between the metaphysical-technological and the poetic-destinal forms of subjectivity and their relationship to the world, aimed at overcoming the extreme danger of contemporary nihilism. Finally, I highlight the danger of an even more threatening second order nihilism implicit in this dichotomy.